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Women's Health

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test

The Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test (NIPP) by DDC (DNA Diagnostics Center) is a genetic test that determines the paternity of a baby before birth using a blood sample from the mother and the alleged father. It is considered one of the safest and most reliable methods available to test paternity during pregnancy, with no risk to the baby.


20% to 30% of paternity tests result in exclusion (i.e., the tested man is not the biological father).

Source: Relatórios de indústria de testes de DNA, artigos científicos sobre paternidade, e notícias de associações relacionadas à genética forense.

Approximately 4 to 5 million paternity tests are performed globally each year.

Source: Relatórios de indústria de testes de DNA, artigos científicos sobre paternidade, e notícias de associações relacionadas à genética forense.

The average number of tests performed to confirm the alleged father in Brazil ranges from 1.1 to 1.2 men per case, considering cases where more than one possible father is tested.

Source: Relatórios de indústria de testes de DNA, artigos científicos sobre paternidade, e notícias de associações relacionadas à genética forense.

When Should You Consider This Test?

Consider this test in the following cases:

Pregnant women who wish to confirm paternity during pregnancy without compromising the baby's health or taking unnecessary risks.
Legal cases or family situations that require early confirmation of paternity.
People who prefer to avoid the risks of invasive methods, such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS), which involve collecting material directly from the uterus.

Genes Analyzed

The panel includes:

All DNA. The DDC test uses an advanced DNA analysis technique called Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) to isolate and analyze free fetal DNA circulating in the mother’s blood, without the need for invasive procedures. The test can be performed from the 8th week of pregnancy, providing early and reliable results.


The methodology used for this test is as follows:


Blood: No fasting required.


Up to 15 calendar days.


Medical request.


Buccal Swabs
Type Description
Technique Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Accuracy 99%

How to Request the Test?

Contact Our Customer Services
Exatus Gene will send a collection kit and provide instructions for sample collection.
We will retrieve the collected sample and send it to the laboratory for analysis.
The report will be made available through the SysGene Portal and sent to your email.

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