Hematological Diseases Panels

Exatus Gene offers numerous panels for hematological diseases, below is a list of the main ones offered:


  • Hemochromatosis Panel
  • Velocardiofacial and DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11 region MLPA)
  • Panel of Immunodeficiencies (Main Genes)
  • Panel on Immunodeficiencies and Immune Diseases (Complete)
  • Thrombophilia Panel
  • Auto-Inflammatory Diseases Panel
  • Hemophilia Panel A and B
  • Fanconi Anemia Panel
  • Hereditary Anemias Panel
  • Coagulation Disorders Panel
  • Hemophilia A (CRP of Inv22 and Inv1)


Among others, consult our team and learn more about each panel.