Founded in 2020, our mission is to revolutionize the field of genetics in Brazil by offering accessible and precise solutions for a diverse audience, including healthcare professionals, scientists, universities, pharmaceutical industries, and patients.
From the beginning, we have been dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions that combine cutting-edge technology with a client-centered approach.
It all began with a visionary idea.
Ricardo Fraccanabbia, the founder of Exatus Gene, committed to bringing the best genetic solutions in a straightforward manner, enabling doctors across Brazil to provide advanced and personalized treatments to their patients.
Since our foundation, we have consistently invested in partnerships and strategies to offer innovative solutions aimed at personalizing the experience for every type of client.
This commitment to excellence has allowed us to achieve rapid growth and establish ourselves as a leading reference in the genetics sector.
Throughout our journey, we have expanded our range of services. Today, we work with highly skilled professionals and provide genetic testing, biological material logistics, research projects, and solutions for human reproduction.
Our focus has always been on you: our client.
From sample collection to delivering results, our team is dedicated to providing a seamless and informative experience.
We offer full support throughout the process, ensuring that you have access to all the information and guidance needed to interpret your results.
We always look to the future.
That’s why we continue to expand our services and invest in research and development.
Our goal is to remain at the forefront of genetic innovation, advancing and making these solutions increasingly accessible to improve your health.
We are proud of our journey and committed to continuing to make a difference in the lives of all our current and future clients.
“Since its foundation, Exatus Gene has been dedicated to transforming genetics in Brazil by offering innovative and accessible solutions to all our clients. Our mission is to deliver personalized solutions and high-precision genetic testing, empowering doctors to make informed decisions. The support from collaborators, partners, and clients is fundamental to our continuous innovation and service improvement. The future is promising, with the goal of making genetics accessible to all and having a positive impact.”
Ricardo Fraccanabbia
Main Office Rua Bento Gonçalves, 59, Room 802 — Centro, Marau, RS — 99150-000
Porto Alegre Office Rua Gomes Jardim, 301 , Room 918/909 — Santana, Porto Alegre, RS — 90620-130